Line is especially popular among Asian users, but it seems that with its recent efforts, the company is trying to expand and obtain more international users, as well. If you’re not yet familiar with the ‘launcher’ concept, what you need to know is that it takes central control of an Android device, allowing you to customize the look, feel and usage. The new launcher coming from Line isn’t actually new, but it’s more of a rebrand of the old dodol Launcher. The Line Launcher comes with more than 3, 000 themes (wallpaper+icons), stickers for the home screen, smart widgets, an improved search and smart app-picks, as well. As there are so many  free wallpapers and icons to choose from, it seems that what Line is trying to achieve with this Launcher is to create a theme that is truly unique and personalized. Line is trying to expand beyond its free messaging app, as the company has recently started offering a grocery delivery service and even a music streaming service in Japan. Furthermore, as it tries to attract new users, Line has also come up with various other independent apps for various purposes –  location-sharing, keyboard, lightweight chat, and group calling.

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